Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rapidshare Tools for Free and Premium User | 6 Mb

This Pack contains:
Rapid Uploader
RSLoad v1.0
Rapidshare Get Points v2.33
Rapid Refresh v1.0
RS90 (RapidShare 90 Days Expire)

Rapid Uploader:
The RapidShare Uploader simplifies uploading of files. It offers many features, with which you can perfectly adapt it to your needs. It supports Premium and free Accounts, including Collector's Accounts.

RSLoad v1.0:
This is a small program that will download the same file 255 times, that will give you 255 premium points on your account per day (7650 points in 30 days). From now on, Premium Downloads can generate up to 255 additional RapidPoints per day. Those extra points will be displayed in the account overview in the Premium or Collector's Zone. This program will take advantage of that premium downloads. From now on, Premium Downloads can generate up to 255 additional RapidPoints per day. Those extra points will be displayed in the account overview in the Premium or Collector's Zone. This program will take advantage of that premium downloads.

Rapidshare Get Points v2.33:
Its a little software coddec in Autoit which allow you to display your Rapidshare Premium or Collector account Info on a tiny window. Here you can acess to your collected Points per day history. It obviously needs to be active on that day to know how many points did you collected.

Rapid Refresh v1.0:
This is a small program that will download the same file 255 times, that will give you 255 premium points on your account per day (7650 points in 30 days). From now on, Premium Downloads can generate up to 255 additional RapidPoints per day. Those extra points will be displayed in the account overview in the Premium or Collector's Zone. This program will take advantage of that premium downloads. From now on, Premium Downloads can generate up to 255 additional RapidPoints per day. Those extra points will be displayed in the account overview in the Premium or Collector's Zone. This program will take advantage of that premium downloads.

RS90 (RapidShare 90 Days Expire):
RS90 (RapidShare 90 Days Expire) generates lists sorted by the date of last download. This gives you a clearer picture of which files that are hosted in RapidShare is about to expire soon. RS90 can support up to 3 RapidShare Premium accounts but do take note that RS90 doesn’t extend the expire date. It is advisable to place RS90 folder at the root of your drive such as C:\RS90 then run RS90.exe. If you’re running RS90 for the first time, you’re required to enter the RapidShare Premium account login details. You won’t need to enter your login details the next time when you run RS90.exe. Your login details are saved as CLEAR TEXT in RS-Data.ini. Meaning anyone can open the RS-Data.ini file and see your RapidShare Premium login details. Just becareful of that…

Download Link:

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