Monday, September 22, 2008

N-Gage 2.0 for non N-Series phones!!!

I found a way to play n-gage 2.0 games on non n-series phones!!!

Only works for 240x320 phones!!!

1. just install the version from NGage Application for all 3rd edition (tested on N95 8Gb)
ncluding the autostart file!!!

it will say Symbian OS PIPS couldnt be found or something!!

just let the installation finish and then

2. install thep ips_s60_1_2_SS.rar from the attachment!

3. now download a game from forum masterzone

4. copy the 20001079.txt from the attachment to c:\private\10202be9\

5. turn caps on!!!

install it and enjoy ngage2.0 on non n-series devices!!!

if it works for you pls tell me your device!!!

mfg benjy!!!

Confirmed to work on : e65 , 5700xm, n73, n71, e51, 6110, 6210c

PS: For phones with s60v3 but other resolution than 240x320 try to edit the file 20001079.txt as follow:

0x00090002 string "nativewidth" 0
0x00090003 int 240 0
0x00090004 string "nativeheight" 0
0x00090005 int 320 0

copy this link n past in ur add box

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